
a‧live S2 W3 / əlaɪv / 形容词 [名词前不用]

1 not dead still living and not dead :

It was a bad accident – they’re lucky to be alive.

My grandparents are still alive .

We stayed alive by eating berries.

He was kept alive on a life-support machine.

Apparently he’s alive and well and living in Brazil.

2 still existing continuing to exist :

Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas.

Christianity is alive and well in Asia.

The sport is still very much alive and kicking in this country.

3 cheerful full of energy, happiness, activity etc :

It was the kind of morning when you wake up and feel really alive .

alive with

Her face was alive with excitement.

The whole house was alive with activity.

4 come alive

a) if a subject or event comes alive, it becomes interesting and seems real :

Hopefully, we can make history come alive for the children.

b) if someone comes alive, they suddenly become happy and interested in what is happening :

She only came alive when she sat down at the piano.

c) if a town, city etc comes alive, it becomes busy :

seaside resorts that come alive in the summer

5 be alive to a fact/possibility/danger etc to know that a particular fact etc exists and that it is important :

The company is alive to the threat posed by foreign imports.

6 be alive with something to be full of living things that are moving :

The pond was alive with fish.

7 bring something alive to make something interesting and real :

The way he describes his characters really brings them alive.

→ skin somebody alive at skin 2 ( 3 )