a‧sleep S2 / əslip / 形容词 [名词前不用]
1 sleeping 反义词 awake :
Quiet! The baby’s asleep.
fast/sound asleep (= sleeping deeply )
2 fall asleep
a) to begin to sleep :
Grandad fell asleep watching TV.
One in seven road accidents is caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel (= falling asleep while driving ) .
b) literary used to mean that someone dies, when you want to avoid saying this directly
3 half asleep very tired or not completely awake :
Still half asleep, Jenny began to make the kids’ breakfast.
4 an arm or leg that is asleep has been in one position for too long, so you cannot feel it properly
5 asleep at the wheel/switch not paying attention to a situation, so that something bad happens :
Several publishers were asleep at the switch, and missed the book’s potential.
→ go to sleep at sleep 2 ( 3 )