
blank 1 S3 / blæŋk / 形容词

1 without any writing, print, or recorded sound :

Leave the last page blank .

a blank cassette

2 a blank face or look shows no emotion, understanding, or interest → blankly

blank face/look/expression/eyes

Zoe looked at me with a blank expression.

She gazed at him in blank astonishment.

3 go blank

a) if your mind goes blank, or if you go blank, you are suddenly unable to remember something :

My heart began to race and my mind went blank.

b) to stop showing any images, writing etc :

Suddenly the screen went blank.

— blankness 名词 [不可数名词] → blank verse


with nothing in it or on it

empty used about something that has nothing inside : an empty can of hair spray | The fridge is almost empty.

blank used about a computer screen or a piece of paper that has no writing or pictures on it, or a CD, DVD etc with nothing recorded on it : a blank sheet of paper | He stared at the blank screen for a few minutes. | a blank tape

bare used about a room or cupboard that has very little in it : His room was bare except for a bed and a wardrobe.

hollow used about something that has an empty space inside : a hollow tree | The suitcase had a hollow bottom.