
both‧er 1 S1 W3 / bɒðə $ bɑðər / 动词

1 make an effort [不及物,及物动词通常用于疑问句和否定句] to make the effort to do something

(not) bother to do something

He didn’t bother to answer the question.

not bother about/with

He didn’t bother with a reply.

(not) bother doing something

Many young people didn’t bother voting.

don’t/didn’t/won’t etc bother

‘Do you want me to wait for you?’ ‘No, don’t bother.’

Why bother to go abroad, when there are so many nice places here?

2 worry [不及物和及物动词] to make someone feel slightly worried, upset, or concerned :

Being in a crowd really bothers me.

It was very noisy, but that didn’t bother me.

bother about especially British English :

I try not to bother about what other people think.

bother somebody that

It really bothered me that he’d forgotten my birthday.

3 annoy [不及物和及物动词] to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something :

Danny, don’t bother Ellen while she’s reading.

Would it bother you if I put on some music?

bother somebody about/with something

It didn’t seem worth bothering the doctor about.

4 somebody can’t/couldn’t be bothered (to do something) especially British English used to say that you do not want to make the effort to do something, or that you are not interested in doing something :

It was so hot I couldn’t be bothered to cook.

I should be revising, but I just can’t be bothered.

5 cause pain [及物动词] if a part of your body bothers you, it is slightly painful or uncomfortable :

My back’s been bothering me.

6 sorry to bother you spoken used as a very polite way of interrupting someone when you want their attention :

Sorry to bother you, but Mr. Grey is on the line.

7 frighten [及物动词] to upset or frighten someone by talking to them when they do not want to talk to you, trying to hurt them, touch them sexually etc :

Don’t worry – my dog won’t bother you.

If he starts bothering you, let me know.

8 not bother yourself/not bother your head to not spend time or effort on something, either because it is not important or because it is too difficult

not bother yourself/not bother your head with/about

Cliff didn’t want to bother himself with details.

9 bother it/them etc British English spoken old-fashioned used to express a sudden feeling of annoyance about something :

Oh bother it! The thread’s broken again!


when someone is doing something

interrupt [不及物和及物动词] to stop someone from continuing to do something : Miss Danziger apologised for interrupting their enjoyment of their meal. | My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. | His interview was interrupted by a call from the President.

disturb to interrupt someone when they are trying to work, sleep etc : The sign on the door said ‘Do not disturb. Meeting in progress’. | I hope I’m not disturbing you. Do you want me to come back later? | Her sleep was disturbed by a violent hammering on the door.

bother to interrupt someone, especially by asking questions when they are trying to do something else : ‘I’m very sorry to bother you,’ Jackson said smoothly, ‘but I’d like a few minutes of your time.’ | You mustn’t bother him - he’s working on his essay.