cei‧ling S3 W3 / silɪŋ / 名词 [可数名词]
1 the inner surface of the top part of a room → roof :
rooms with high ceilings
a light hanging from the ceiling
2 the largest number or amount of something that is officially allowed
ceiling of
a public spending ceiling of £240 billion
impose/set/put a ceiling (on something)
The government imposed a ceiling on imports of foreign cars.
raise/lower the ceiling (on something)
3 technical the greatest height an aircraft can fly at or the level of the clouds
→ glass ceiling
limit the highest number, speed, temperature etc that is allowed by a law or rule : He borrowed money up to the limit that the bank allowed. | The speed limit is 65 m.p.h. | There’s no limit on the amount of money that may be brought into the US. | Pollution levels are over the official limit. | Some families set limits on how much they spend on each other’s Christmas present.
restrictions rules or laws that strictly control what you are allowed to do : Travel restrictions might reduce the spread of the disease. | Unions are pressing for restrictions on steel imports from Japan. | Because of restrictions on reporting, newspapers were not allowed to cover the story. | New restrictions have been imposed on immigration.
limitations limits on what a person or thing is able to do – used especially when you would like to be able to do more : The president was unwilling to accept limitations on his power. | the limitations of the computer system | Hikers should know their physical limitations and not take unnecessary risks.
constraints facts or conditions that limit what you can do, for example not having enough time, money etc : Financial constraints are forcing many people in their twenties to live with their parents. | The last part of the show had to be cut because of time constraints. | The constraints of prison life are sometimes too much for people to bear.
maximum the largest number or amount that is possible, normal, or allowed : Classes have a maximum of twenty students. | What’s the maximum you can earn before you have to pay tax?
minimum the smallest number or amount that is possible or allowed : He was sentenced to a minimum of 25 years in prison. | Our aim is to reduce the number of accidents to an absolute minimum .
ceiling the largest number or amount of something that is officially allowed : There is a ceiling on the amount of foreign investment. | Import quotas may rise from the present ceiling of 18.5 million to 20 million. | Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.