
cloth S3 / klɒθ $ klɒθ / 名词

1 [不可数名词] material used for making things such as clothes

cotton/woollen/silk etc cloth

a dress of the finest silk cloth

2 [可数名词] a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose :

She mopped her face with a wet cloth.

Is there a clean cloth for the table? → dishcloth , facecloth , tablecloth

3 man of the cloth formal a Christian priest


for making clothes etc

material 名词 [可数和不可数名词] cloth used for making clothes, curtains etc : She bought some pretty dress material.

fabric 名词 [不可数名词] cloth used for making clothes, curtains etc : Man-made fabrics such as polyester are easy to wash and iron. | furnishing fabrics

cloth 名词 [不可数名词] woven material, especially material made from natural substances such as cotton and wool, which has not yet been made into any other products : The main trade was the production of woollen cloth.

textiles 名词 [复数形式] formal a general word for all types of cloth – used especially when talking about the business of producing and selling them : Textiles are one of Mexico’s main exports. | the textile industry