con‧fused S3 / kənfjuzd / 形容词
1 unable to understand or think clearly about what someone is saying or what is happening :
I’m totally confused. Could you explain that again?
confused about
If you’re confused about anything, phone me.
All the roads looked the same and he felt thoroughly confused.
2 not clear or not easy to understand :
Witness statements presented a confused picture of the incident.
a lot of confused ideas
— confusedly / -fjuzədli, -fjuzɪdli / 副词
confused unable to understand what someone is saying or what is happening : I was rather confused by his question. | She gave me a confused look. | With the huge range of computers on the market, it’s easy to get confused. | She felt hurt and confused when her husband left her.
puzzled ( also perplexed formal ) confused because you cannot understand something, especially because it is different from what you expect : The doctor was puzzled by the man’s symptoms and ordered several further tests. | He had a puzzled expression on his face. | Ross looked perplexed when the audience laughed.
baffled very confused and unable to understand something, even though you have tried hard for a long time : Detectives admit they are baffled by the case. | a baffled expression
bewildered / bɪwɪldəd $ -ərd / very confused and surprised when something unusual and unexpected happens to you : He was bewildered to find three policemen at the front door. | Bewildered train passengers watched as the man was arrested. | At first she was bewildered by all the noise and activity of the city.
bemused / bɪmjuzd / confused and surprised by what has happened, or by what someone has said : Local residents seem bemused by the sudden arrival of all the tourists. | She told him to leave, but he just sat there with a bemused expression.
can’t think straight spoken to have difficulty thinking clearly, for example because you are too tired, too busy, or because a lot of things are happening around you : I can’t think straight with all this noise going on.