cor‧rect S1 W2 / kərekt / 形容词 #
1 having no mistakes 同义词 right 反义词 incorrect :
If my calculations are correct, we’re about ten miles from Exeter.
Score one point for each correct answer .
You are absolutely correct, the Missouri is the longest river in the US.
factually/grammatically/anatomically etc correct
The sentence is grammatically correct, but doesn’t sound natural.
In everyday English, people usually say right rather than correct :
Are you sure you’ve got the right address?
2 suitable and right for a particular situation :
What’s the correct procedure in cases like this?
The correct way to lift heavy weights is to make sure that your back is straight.
3 correct behaviour is formal and polite 同义词 proper :
It was not considered correct for young ladies to go out on their own.
— correctly 副词 :
If I remember correctly, he’s Spanish.
We must make sure that things are done correctly.
— correctness 名词 [不可数名词]
a correct answer Lucy got fourteen out of twenty correct answers.
a correct entry (= correct answer in a competition ) The first five correct entries will win £50.
correct information I’m not sure that I’ve been given the correct information.
correct spelling (= the correct way of writing words ) Copying does not teach correct spelling.
correct pronunciation (= the correct way of saying words ) The dictionary will help you learn the correct pronunciation.
absolutely/perfectly/entirely correct (= completely correct ) What he said was perfectly correct.
not strictly correct (= not correct according to some standards ) The grammar in this sentence is not strictly correct.
grammatically correct (= written or spoken with correct grammar ) Simple sentences are more likely to be grammatically correct than long complex ones.
factually correct (= having all the correct facts ) Articles in the newspaper are not always factually correct.
broadly/essentially correct (= correct in most ways, but possibly not all ) All the evidence suggests that the results of his research are essentially correct.
prove correct (= be shown to be true ) Fortunately, my memory proved correct.
right not wrong – used about something someone says, or about the person who says it : the right answer | You were right about the colour. | ‘He’s about thirty, isn’t he?’ ‘That’s right.’
correct right. Correct sounds more formal than right : the correct answer | He is absolutely correct. | Unfortunately, this information is not correct.
accurate right – used about information, measurements, descriptions etc : Make sure that your measurements are accurate. | an accurate description of the suspect
exact an exact number, amount, or time is completely correct, and is no more and no less than it should be : The exact time is 9.28 a.m. | The exact weight of the baby was 3.3 kilos.
spot-on British English spoken informal exactly right – used especially about guesses or things people say : His answer was spot-on. | You’re spot-on.
correct S3 verb [及物动词] #
1 to make something right or to make it work the way it should :
Some eyesight problems are relatively easy to correct.
You have the right to see a copy of your file, and to correct any mistakes you may find.
In everyday British English, people usually say put something right rather than correct something:
The problem should be fairly easy to put right .
2 to show someone that something is wrong, and make it right :
Correct my pronunciation if it’s wrong.
‘She’s in Ireland now.’ ‘She was,’ Farrell corrected him.
correct yourself
‘I,’ Lady Deverill corrected herself, ‘we are very happy here.’
3 if a teacher corrects a student’s written work, he or she writes marks on it to show the mistakes in it
4 correct me if I’m wrong spoken used when you are not sure that what you are going to say is true or not :
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you say you’d never met him before?
5 I stand corrected formal spoken used to admit that something you have said is wrong after someone has told you it is wrong