
craft 1 W3 / krɑft $ kræft / 名词

1 ( 复数形式 crafts ) [可数名词] a job or activity in which you make things with your hands, and that you usually need skill to do → handicraft :

traditional rural crafts

arts and crafts

2 ( 复数形式 craft ) [可数名词]

a) a small boat

b) an aircraft or spacecraft

3 [单数形式] formal the skills needed for a particular profession :

The musician spends years perfecting his craft.

4 [不可数名词] skill in deceiving people :

Craft and cunning were necessary for the scheme to work.

→ landing craft



a traditional/ancient craft The Navajo Indians sell their jewellery and other traditional crafts.

a local craft local crafts such as glass blowing and leather work

a rural/country craft (= done in the countryside ) The museum contains exhibits of old rural crafts.

a skilled craft Building stone walls is a highly skilled craft.


learn a craft As a girl, she had to learn the craft of hand sewing.

practise a craft British English , practice a craft American English The craftsmen use traditional tools to practise their ancient crafts.

craft + NOUN

a craft shop (= selling things made by craftsmen or women )

craft work (= things made by craftsmen or women ) Craft work, such as hand-knitted items or decorated cakes, often sells well.

a craft workshop (= place where a craftsman or woman works )

a craft fair (= event where people buy and sell crafts )

a craft centre British English , a craft center American English (= building where you can see different crafts and buy things )


arts and crafts (= things produced by artists and craftsmen or women ) an exhibition of Indian arts and crafts