
ex‧cel‧lent S1 W2 / eks ə lənt / 形容词

1 extremely good or of very high quality :

an excellent suggestion

His car is in excellent condition.

Second-hand computers can be excellent value.

2 spoken said when you approve of something 同义词 great :

‘I’ll bring the books over tonight.’ ‘Excellent.’

— excellently 副词


excellent extremely good or of very high quality : His English was excellent. | an excellent piece of work

great spoken extremely good. Great is less formal than excellent , and is the usual word to use in everyday spoken English : ‘Did you have a good holiday?’ ‘It was great!’ | He did a great job as captain.

fantastic/terrific/wonderful spoken extremely good. These words sound even more excited than great or excellent : ‘I passed my exam.’ ‘That’s fantastic!’ | Last year Jess had a terrific season, averaging eleven points a game. | The trip will be a wonderful opportunity for the children.

amazing/incredible extremely good in a surprising and exciting way : an amazing view of Tokyo | The trip was an incredible experience.

superb extremely good – used especially when you are very impressed by something : The acting was superb. | There is a superb range of cheeses.

first-class of a high quality and much better than most others : The service is first-class. | a first-class restaurant

outstanding extremely good – used when saying how well someone does something : He’s an outstanding player. | It was an outstanding performance by a talented young actor.

exceptional unusually good – used when saying that someone or something is much better than any others : She has an exceptional talent. | He writes good essays, but I wouldn’t say that his work is particularly exceptional. | Merits are given as an honour for exceptional achievement.

out of this world [名词前不用] spoken informal used when saying that something is so good that it is better than anything you could have imagined : The food is out of this world.

awesome especially American English very good : It was an awesome concert.