ex‧ter‧nal W2 AC / ɪkstɜnl $ -ɜr- / 形容词
1 outside part relating to the outside of something or of a person’s body 反义词 internal :
the external appearance of the building
For external use only (= written on medicines which must be put on your skin and not swallowed )
In everyday English, people usually say outside rather than external :
The outside walls of the building were painted yellow.
2 effect relating to your environment or situation, rather than to your own qualities, ideas etc 同义词 outside :
Low birth weight may be caused by external factors , such as smoking during pregnancy.
influences from the external environment
3 organization coming from or happening outside a particular place or organization 反义词 internal :
information from external sources
4 foreign relating to foreign countries 反义词 internal :
China will not tolerate any external interference in its affairs.
external affairs/relations
the Minister of External Affairs
5 independent British English coming from outside a particular school, university, or organization, and therefore independent 反义词 internal
external examination/examiner
external auditors (= someone from outside who looks at an organization’s finances )
— externally 副词 :
The job should be advertised internally and externally.