fair‧ly S1 W2 / feəli $ ferli / 副词
1 [ + 形容词 / 副词 ] more than a little, but much less than very → quite :
The house had a fairly large garden.
She speaks English fairly well.
The instructions seem fairly straightforward.
2 in a way that is fair, honest, and reasonable :
I felt I hadn’t been treated fairly.
3 British English old-fashioned used to emphasize the degree, force etc of an action :
He fairly raced past us on his bike.
rather/quite especially British English more than a little, but less than very. British people often use these words before 形容词 in conversation. In many cases they do not intend to change the meaning – it is just something that people say : She seemed rather unhappy. | It’s rather a difficult question. | It’s getting quite late. | Malaria is rather common in this area.
fairly rather. Fairly is used in both British and American English : The test was fairly easy. | It’s a fairly long way to the next town.
pretty spoken rather. Pretty is more informal than the other words and is used in spoken English : Her French is pretty good. | We’re in a pretty strong position.
reasonably to a satisfactory level or degree : He plays reasonably well. | Let’s just say that I am reasonably confident we’ll win.
moderately formal more than a little, but not very : Her family was moderately wealthy. | The food was moderately good, but not as good as the food in the other restaurants. | Use a moderately high heat. | a moderately difficult climb
somewhat formal fairly or to a small degree. Somewhat is used especially when talking about the size or degree of something. It is often used in comparatives : The celebrations were somewhat larger than last year’s. | He looked somewhat irritated. | a somewhat surprising decision