form‧al 1 S2 W2 / fɔm ə l $ fɔr- / 形容词
1 official [通常用于名词前] made or done officially or publicly 反义词 informal :
formal recognition of the reformed church
a formal agreement between the countries
There is no formal structure for negotiating pay increases.
make/lodge a formal complaint
Mr Kelly has lodged a formal complaint against the police.
2 behaviour formal behaviour is very polite, and is used in official or important situations, or with people you do not know well 反义词 informal :
Over the years, teaching methods have changed and become less formal.
3 language formal language is used in official or serious situations 反义词 informal :
‘Yours sincerely’ is a formal way of ending a letter.
4 event/occasion a formal event is important, and people who go to it wear special clothes and behave very politely 反义词 informal :
I’ve met her twice but only on formal occasions .
a formal dinner
5 clothes formal dress is clothing such as a tuxedo for men or a long dress for women, that is worn to formal events 反义词 casual , informal :
We insist on formal dress for dinner.
6 formal education/training/qualifications education etc in a subject or skill, that you receive in a school, college etc rather than practical experience of it :
knowledge and wisdom gained from experience rather than from formal education
7 organized done in a very organized way 反义词 informal :
The course includes formal lectures.
8 garden/park a formal garden, park, or room is arranged in a very organized way 反义词 informal :
the palace’s beautifully restored formal gardens
→ formally