half‧way S3 / hɑfweɪ◂ $ hæf- / 形容词 , 副词
1 at a middle point in space or time between two things 同义词 partway
halfway through/up/down/between etc
He chased Kevin halfway up the stairs.
It was a terrible film – I left halfway through.
traffic queues stretching back halfway to London
the halfway stage/mark/point
They’ve just reached the halfway stage of the project.
2 be halfway there to have done something that will allow you to achieve something else :
Establish the right relationships at work and you’re halfway there.
3 be/come/go halfway to doing something to achieve something partly but not completely :
We’re still only halfway to finishing the job.
4 halfway decent/normal/successful etc informal reasonably good, normal, successful etc :
the only halfway decent hotel here
→ meet somebody halfway at meet 1 ( 19 )