horse 1 S1 W1 / hɔs $ hɔrs / 名词
1 [可数名词] a large strong animal that people ride and use for pulling heavy things → pony , equine , equestrian :
a horse and cart
Lee had never ridden a horse before.
2 the horses British English informal horse races :
Jim likes a bet on the horses.
3 [可数名词] a piece of sports equipment in a gymnasium that people jump over
4 (straight/right) from the horse’s mouth if you hear or get information straight from the horse’s mouth, you are told it by someone who has direct knowledge of it
5 horses for courses British English the process of matching people with suitable jobs or activities
6 a two/three/four etc horse race a competition or an election that only two etc competitors can win
7 a horse of a different color ( also a horse of another color American English ) something that is completely different from another thing
8 horse sense old-fashioned sensible judgment gained from experience 同义词 common sense
9 [不可数名词] old-fashioned informal heroin
→ dark horse , → never/don’t look a gift horse in the mouth at gift ( 7 ) , → be flogging a dead horse at flog ( 3 ) , → hold your horses at hold 1 ( 15 ) , → put the cart before the horse at cart 1 ( 4 ) , → stalking horse , white horses