
i‧deal 1 S3 W3 / aɪdɪəl◂ / 形容词

1 the best or most suitable that something could possibly be 同义词 perfect :

advice on how to reach your ideal weight

The scheme offers an ideal opportunity for youngsters to get training.

With so much rain, conditions are far from ideal.

ideal for

An elastic waist makes these jeans ideal for the larger woman.

an ideal place for a walk

2 [仅用于名词前] an ideal world, job, system etc is one that you imagine to be perfect, but that is not likely to really exist 同义词 perfect :

In an ideal world there would be no need for a police force.


most suitable

perfect completely suitable for something or someone : It’s the perfect place to relax after a hard day at work. | It was a perfect day for going to the beach. | I think she would be perfect for him.

ideal very suitable and exactly what you want – often used about someone or something that you imagine, but which does not really exist : What would be your ideal job? | She still hasn’t found her ideal man. | It is the ideal place for a vacation.

just right especially spoken very good or suitable in every way : The weather was just right for a day at the beach. | The dress is just right for you.

be just the thing/person informal to be exactly what is needed or wanted : Cold lemonade is just the thing on a hot day. | He’s just the person for the job.