im‧pres‧sive W3 / ɪmpresɪv / 形容词
something that is impressive makes you admire it because it is very good, large, important etc :
The figures certainly look impressive.
Among the guests was an impressive array of authors and critics.
— impressively 副词 :
Production standards are impressively high.
— impressiveness 名词 [不可数名词]
impressive used about something that people admire because it is very good, large, important etc : The cathedral is very impressive. | The drug has shown some impressive results.
dazzling extremely impressive – used especially when someone does something very well or looks very beautiful : a dazzling performance | a dazzling smile
breathtaking extremely impressive – used especially about beautiful views, or the fast speed of something : The views of the Rocky Mountains are simply breathtaking. | The economy is growing at a breathtaking pace.
spectacular very impressive and exciting to look at or watch : a spectacular fireworks display
awe-inspiring so impressive that you feel great respect and admiration, or you feel rather frightened : Michelangelo’s masterpiece is awe-inspiring. | The volcano was an awe-inspiring sight.
majestic [通常用于名词前] very impressive because of being big and beautiful : the majestic mountain scenery | a majestic animal
imposing [通常用于名词前] written used about buildings and people that are large and impressive : the imposing entrance hall | The bishop was an imposing figure.