in‧tense W3 AC / ɪntens / 形容词
1 having a very strong effect or felt very strongly :
Young people today are under intense pressure to succeed.
the intense heat of the desert
The pain was so intense I couldn’t sleep.
He took an intense interest in all religious matters.
a look of intense dislike
2 intense activity is very serious, uses a lot of effort, and often involves doing a great deal in a very short time :
The job demands intense concentration.
At least 3000 people were killed in a week of intense fighting.
3 someone who is intense is serious and has very strong feelings or opinions – used to show disapproval :
She’s a little too intense for me.
— intensely 副词 :
He disliked Kate intensely.
intense pressure The Prime Minister is under intense pressure to call a general election.
intense competition There is intense competition for places on the course.
intense heat He could feel the intense heat of the Egyptian sun.
intense cold He was shivering with intense cold.
intense pain She felt an intense pain in her right shoulder.
intense pleasure Anne read the letter with intense pleasure.
an intense desire Fred felt an intense desire to punch Max in the face.
an intense interest in something The police are aware of the intense interest in the case.
intense dislike He had taken an intense dislike to Robert.
intense activity The opening of the restaurant was preceded by a period of intense activity.
intense debate Abortion has become the subject of intense debate.
intense negotiations The hostages were freed after intense negotiations.
intense scrutiny (= being examined very carefully ) The mining industry is coming under intense scrutiny over its environmental record.
intense speculation (= a lot of guessing about what may have happened ) After weeks of intense speculation, the actress an 名词 ced that she was pregnant.
intense opposition Locals have voiced intense opposition to plans to expand the airport.
intense feelings/emotion Her lips trembled with intense emotion.