
joint 1 S2 W2 / dʒɔɪnt / 形容词 [仅用于名词前]

1 involving two or more people or groups, or owned or shared by them :

The two ministers have issued a joint statement .

Both companies are involved in the joint development of a new medium-sized car.

The meal was a joint effort (= two or more people worked on it together ) .

Manchester United and Arsenal are joint favourites to win the title (= are thought to have the same chance of winning ) .

Both parties must sign the form if the account is to be in joint names (= belong to two named people ) .

2 joint venture a business activity begun by two or more people or companies working together

3 joint resolution law a decision or law agreed by both houses of the US Congress and signed by the president

— jointly 副词 :

tenants who are jointly responsible for their rent