large 1 S1 W1 / lɑdʒ $ lɑrdʒ / 形容词 ( comparative larger , superlative largest )
1 big in size, amount, or number 反义词 small :
Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US.
The T-shirt comes in Small, Medium and Large.
a large ovenproof pan
large sums of money
those who drink large amounts of coffee
A large number of students have signed up for the course.
2 a large person is tall and often fat 反义词 small
3 be at large if a dangerous person or animal is at large, they have escaped from somewhere or have not been caught :
The escaped prisoners are still at large.
4 the population/public/society/world etc at large people in general :
The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population at large.
5 the larger issues/question/problem/picture more general facts, situations, or questions related to something :
The book helps to explain the larger picture in the Middle East.
6 in large part/measure formal mostly :
Their success was due in large part to their ability to speak Spanish.
7 (as) large as life British English spoken used when someone has appeared or is present in a place where you did not expect to see them :
I turned a corner and there was Joe, as large as life.
8 larger than life someone who is larger than life is very amusing or exciting in an attractive way
9 by and large used when talking generally about someone or something :
Charities, by and large, do not pay tax.
→ loom large at loom 1 ( 3 ) , → writ large at writ 2