
lead‧ing 1 W2 / lidɪŋ / 形容词 [仅用于名词前]

1 best, most important, or most successful :

The army played a leading role in organizing the attempted coup.

the leading industrial nations

a leading heart specialist

leading members of the government

2 leading edge

a) technical the part of something that is at the front of it when it moves

b) the part of an activity where the most modern and advanced equipment and methods are used

leading edge of

This is the leading edge of medical technology. → leading-edge

3 leading light a respected person who leads a group or organization, or is important in a particular area of knowledge or activity :

The two women were leading lights of the women’s union.

4 leading question a question that deliberately tricks someone into giving the answer you want :

Don’t ask leading questions.

5 leading lady/man the woman or man who acts the most important female or male part in a film, play etc

→ leading article