main 1 S1 W1 / meɪn / 形容词 [仅用于名词前]
1 larger or more important than all other things, ideas etc of the same kind :
The main reason for living in Spain is the weather.
What do you consider to be the main problem?
Our main concern is that the children are safe.
a summary of the main points of the agreement
the main aim of the meeting
I’ll meet you outside the main entrance.
the main bedroom
2 the main thing spoken used to say what is the most important thing in a situation :
As long as you’re not hurt, that’s the main thing.
The main thing is not to panic.
→ an eye for/on/to the main chance at eye 1 ( 22 )
main larger or more important than all the others : the main entrance of the building | the main reason for his decision
chief/principal most important. Chief and principal are more formal than main , and are often used in written English : Coffee is the country’s principal export. | What is the company’s chief objective?
major very important or serious : Smoking is a major cause of heart disease. | Street crime is becoming a major problem.
key most important, or the one that everything or everyone else depends on : Education is likely to be a key issue in the election campaign. | Hooper was a key member of the team. | Diet is key.
number one especially spoken most important or best - this 短语 sounds a little informal and it is used especially in spoken English : Reliability is the number one priority. | the number one cause of death | He is still in the number one position.
primary most important - used especially about the most important aim, role, cause, or concern. Primary is more formal than main : The primary aim of the project was to help students develop their communication skills. | Security is our primary concern. | The primary function of the university was considered to be the teaching of ‘the great cultural disciplines’.
prime very important or most important - used especially about the most important reason, cause, or aim, or about the most likely target or suspect . Prime is more formal than main : Their prime objective is to increase profits for their shareholders. | Tourists are prime targets for theft and robbery.
core most important - used especially about the things that people should pay most attention to : the core skills of reading and writing | He wants the company to focus on its core business - advertising. | The party’s core values are individual freedom and reducing the amount of government bureaucracy.
central most important and having more influence than anything else : The U.S. played a central role in the peace negotiations. | a central theme of the book | The central question is, why are people still so attached to their cars?
predominant most common, typical, or important : Yellow was the predominant colour everywhere. | High arched windows are a predominant feature in English churches. | New York still has a predominant role in the contemporary art world.