
part‧ner 1 S2 W2 AC / pɑtnə $ pɑrtnər / 名词 [可数名词]

1 marriage etc one of two people who are married, or who live together and have a sexual relationship → husband , wife :

Discuss your worries with your partner.

Only 29% of lone parents receive financial support from their former partners.

a sexual partner

2 business one of the owners of a business :

She’s a partner in a law firm.

The senior partner has retired. → sleeping partner

3 dancing/games etc someone you do a particular activity with, for example dancing or playing a game against two other people :

Clare’s my tennis partner.

Take your partners for the next dance.

4 country/organization a country or organization that another country or organization has an agreement with :

Nigeria is our principal trading partner in Africa.

The group is a junior partner (= less important group ) in the PLO’s governing coalition.

5 partners in crime two people who have planned and done something together, especially something that slightly annoys other people – used humorously

→ sparring partner