re‧source 1 S2 W1 AC / rɪzɔs, -sɔs $ risɔrs / 名词
1 land/oil/coal etc [可数名词,通常复数] something such as useful land, or minerals such as oil or coal, that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth :
Canada’s vast mineral resources
a country rich in natural resources
2 money/property etc resources [复数形式] all the money, property, skills etc that you have available to use when you need them :
She had no financial resources .
Only limited resources are available to the police.
pool your resources (= put together all the resources that each of you can provide ) → human resources
3 personal qualities resources [复数形式] personal qualities, such as courage and determination, that you need to deal with a difficult situation :
He proved that he has considerable inner resources .
4 educational [可数名词] something such as a book, film, or picture used by teachers or students to provide information :
resources for learning
a valuable new computer resource
resource room/centre
5 practical ability [不可数名词] formal the ability to deal with practical problems 同义词 resourcefulness :
a man of great resource
natural resources We support the sustainable use of natural resources.
mineral resources This area is rich in mineral resources.
energy resources The country has few energy resources of its own.
water resources Botswana expressed growing concern over its dwindling water resources.
oil resources oil resources in the North Sea
a renewable resource (= one that replaces itself naturally, or is easily replaced ) Trees are a renewable resource.
a non-renewable resource We should reduce our use of non-renewable resources.
a finite resource (= one which is limited in amount, so that it will no longer exist if people continue to use it ) Crude oil is a finite resource.
a national resource High-quality agricultural land is a national resource.
use resources Modern products use fewer natural resources.
exploit resources He exploited the mineral resources which he found under his lands.
tap resources (= take them from an area ) Several nations are eager to tap the mineral resources in Antarctica.
be rich in resources Swaziland is rich in natural resources.
have resources Do the police have the resources they need?
use resources ( also make use of resources ) We must use our resources efficiently.
waste resources We cannot afford to waste our resources on fighting each other.
allocate resources (= give them to a particular person, organization etc ) I spoke to the official who was in charge of allocating the funds.
pool your resources (= put together the resources that each of you have ) They decided to pool their resources and buy a business together.
financial/economic resources Lack of financial resources can result in homelessness.
material resources Most people lack the material resources to be able to deal with periods of unemployment.
limited/scarce resources We have very limited resources.
available resources The aim was to make use of all available resources.