
throat S3 W3 / θrəʊt $ θroʊt / 名词 [可数名词]

1 the passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes that go down to your lungs and stomach :

The singer complained of a sore throat after Wednesday’s show.

2 the front of your neck :

She fingered the pearls at her throat.

3 clear your throat to make a noise in your throat, especially before you speak, or in order to get someone’s attention

4 force/ram/shove something down sb’s throat informal to force someone to accept or listen to your ideas and opinions

5 be at each other’s throats if two people are at each other’s throats, they are fighting or arguing

6 cut your own throat to behave in a way that is certain to harm you, especially because you are proud or angry

→ a lump in/to sb’s throat at lump 1 ( 4 ) , → have a frog in your throat at frog ( 2 ) , → jump down sb’s throat at jump 1 ( 13 ) , → stick in sb’s throat at stick 1 ( 12 )