
tru‧ly W3 / truli / 副词

1 [ + 形容词 / 副词 ] used to emphasize that the way you are describing something is really true 同义词 really :

His work is truly original.

Fawcett was a truly remarkable man.

a truly great work of medieval literature

2 sincerely :

I am truly sorry.

She truly believed he was innocent.

I can truly say I’ve never enjoyed myself so much.

3 in an exact or correct way :

Is it a truly representative sample?

4 well and truly especially spoken completely :

We were well and truly beaten.

The party was well and truly over.

5 really and truly British English spoken used to emphasize that something is definitely or completely true :

I couldn’t believe we were really and truly going at last.

6 yours truly

a) used at the end of a letter, before the signature

b) informal used humorously to mean yourself :

So, yours truly was left to clean up.